Google Partner Adwords Agency

We are Google Partners . Google Partners status is awarded on the basis of qualifications, experience, customer service and quality.

Qualifications: We have to take at least two exams a year, set by Google, to ensure that we have the latest product knowledge; and that we are qualified to manage accounts on behalf of customers.

Experience: Partner status is awarded on the basis of experience: both in terms of how long we have been managing accounts, and the levels of budget that we have managed on behalf of customers.

Customer Service & Quality: The accounts that we manage are monitored to ensure that our customers are receiving a quality service from us. As part of achieving partner status, Google provides us with a measurement of the quality of our service. This is marked against the minimum requirement to become a Partner, and the average performance of an agency or Partner. As you can see, we performed far above average.

Google Partner Performance

Google Partner status is a sign that our clients receive a high level of service: that their accounts are updated with the latest Google products; and that they are effectively managed and monitored to ensure a return on investment.

You can visit our Google Partners profile page here.

Why Work With A Google Partner Agency?

There are key benefits to working with a Google Partner agency. These are:

Market Research: As a partner agency we have a dedicated business development and technical support specialists at Google. This means that we have access to industry trends, market research, and strategy ideas not available to the general public.

Support: On opening a new Adwords account for a customer we have dedicated technical support from Google for two weeks. In that time we can call on Google to review the account and provide suggestions on how to make optimisations and improvements.

Consultancy: We can also ask Google to review accounts of existing customers, on an on-going basis, to ensure that they continue to provide value and produce a return on investment.

What to Do Next

If you are interested in working with us then send us an e.mail, or call, to find out more.